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Minnnesota State Senate shows working together is possible 

Sen. Grant Hauschild
Posted 1/23/25

As the 2025 Legislative Session begins, the Minnesota State Senate finds itself in an unprecedented position. Following the tragic passing of former Majority Leader, Kari Dziedzic, our chamber is in …

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Minnnesota State Senate shows working together is possible 


As the 2025 Legislative Session begins, the Minnesota State Senate finds itself in an unprecedented position. Following the tragic passing of former Majority Leader, Kari Dziedzic, our chamber is in a temporary 33-33 tie between the DFL and Republicans. In the face of this unique situation, both parties have come together in a remarkable show of bipartisanship, forging a co-governing agreement that ensures we can continue to serve the people of Minnesota effectively.
This collaboration is a testament to what can happen when we set aside partisan differences and focus on what unites us: the shared goal of improving the lives of Minnesotans. The co-governing agreement reflects a mutual commitment to thoughtful compromise, accountability, and respect. It underscores our belief that the real work of governance should transcend political gamesmanship. It is these kinds of outcomes that I will continue to foster as a member of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition. 
Unfortunately, the contrast between the State Senate and the current state of the Minnesota House of Representatives is stark. Political gridlock and partisan maneuvering in the House have created an atmosphere of unprecedented chaos, distracting from the critical issues that demand attention. Minnesotans deserve better. While the House struggles to find common ground, the Senate has demonstrated that we can rise above division to ensure progress continues on behalf of the people we represent.
As your state senator, I remain steadfast in my commitment to working in a bipartisan way for what is best for Northern Minnesota. For example, although Representative Skraba and I may disagree a lot, we find ways to work together on the bipartisan issues that matter most to our region. It is the work our constituents expect and voted for. As your State Senator, I will look beyond party labels to work with anyone with a good idea. 
I am also deeply honored to have been chosen as an Assistant Majority Leader in the State Senate, a role that will allow me to elevate the voice of the Iron Range and ensure our region’s needs are front and center at the Capitol. Whether it’s investing in our infrastructure, continuing to address the EMS crisis, supporting childcare solutions, protecting access to rural healthcare, or fighting for equitable education funding in Greater Minnesota, I will always prioritize the interests of Northern Minnesota. 
While the political landscape can often be contentious, I remain optimistic about what we can achieve when we come together in good faith to do the real work Minnesotans expect and deserve. My focus will remain on the practical, pressing needs of our communities, and I encourage all constituents to share their thoughts, questions, and ideas with me directly at
As we embark on this legislative session, know that I am committed to working tirelessly for the Iron Range. Together, we can navigate these challenging times and make meaningful progress for our state.

State Senator Grant Hauschild is an Assistant Majority Leader, Minnesota State Senate