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The Big Lie and the U.S. Constitution

Posted 10/31/24

No one should be supporting one who took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, yet refused to accept the results of a free and fair election, or who concocted a fake elector scheme, refused to …

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The Big Lie and the U.S. Constitution


No one should be supporting one who took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, yet refused to accept the results of a free and fair election, or who concocted a fake elector scheme, refused to engage in a peaceful transfer of power, and instead, incited an insurrection to prevent Mike Pence from certifying the electoral college votes.  To this day, Donald Trump continues the BIG LIE and voices his deep disappointment that Mike Pence did not support his lies about the 2020 election.
If this nation was back to normal, we would be watching a debate between two respectable and responsible presidential candidates, perhaps Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris.  We would be watching a debate where two candidates with opposing viewpoints address the issues and yet hold one another in high regard.  We would not be subjected to the outrageous name-calling and bullying.  We would not be gasping at the lies and outrageous claims.  We, as a nation, would once again be back to adhering to the rules outlined in the U.S. Constitution.  We would not be experiencing the anxiety triggered by the liar and cheat, the cruel one who mocks those not like him and threatens to arrest opponents. 
We hear him call the Jan. 6 insurrection a love fest. This is gaslighting, telling us that what we saw wasn’t what we saw.  I remember the horror I experienced as the angry mob stormed the Capitol.  I remember the shock and disbelief that I experienced as the assault unfolded.  I think about the confederate flags and, of course, the Trump flags, carried by those doing his bidding.  I think of the findings of the Jan. 6 committee, exposing a plot that had been planned well in advance.  I think of the ugliness and the shock that this would happen here.  I gasp in disbelief at those who continue to deny the horror of the attack and its meaning.  This was an attack on our democracy. 
When one side purports lies and continues to deny reality, we can’t talk.  We can only do everything in our power to ensure that this never happens again.  I feel deep gratitude to Liz Cheney and all of the respectable and responsible Republicans who have come forth to support Kamala Harris. These are true patriots who understand what is at stake in this election.  Every elected official takes an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  There are too many now who have failed to keep that oath.  
Respect.  Honor.  Truth. 
These are the values that matter.
Lies and threats are not the American way.
Ellie Larmouth