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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

Hard fought legal victory an example for others to follow


I’m writing in support of the Timberjay’s April 8 op-ed, “Destination reached at the end of a long road.”

At issue, was the failure of ISD 2142 to disclose expenses to promote a 78 million dollar bond referendum. The six-year journey that was begun by the Coalition of Community Schools in pursuit of the truth has now come to a close. I would like to thank all who chose to take this on knowing full well that not all would stand with them. Mindful now, and maybe less as they began, of the effort and grit that would be required to see this to conclusion. Many have supported them with their time, hard dollars and words of encouragement. Some may have questioned the motives of this group of individuals. I have always believed their motives to be selfless and clear of conscience. The reward held no monetary value. It was only that the truth be revealed.

Sovereign goliaths like a school board who have access to seeming unlimited public funds will put up a fight just to save face or prove a point. I believe it was clear from the start that their guilt was known. The unknown was the way to escape it. This goliath endeavored to prevent a conclusive ruling through many attempts that involved the Court of Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court and now their guilt is confirmed.

A citizen “complainer” seeking to right a perceived wrong can find themselves head on with a legal system where words like justice and law can be ambiguous. This Coalition has found justice. If it were not for people who stood up for what they believed to be just and true, where would we be?

This victory should be an example to all that choose to tread the same path.

Jeff Maus

Greenwood Twp., Minn.