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My real concern is that yes, the increase in enrollment is good for the school district for revenue. But statistics say that families are still getting smaller. My recommendation would be to keep the enrollment at its current level and have a waiting list. This would be something unfamiliar to any school district up here. Adding more debt after the previous boondoggle would not be good. I believe enrollment will slowly decrease through the years. I also do not believe that the current school board has the qualifications to make a decision at this level. In fact, there aren't many who do. Whenever I talked to previous school district employees their comments were always to the tune of "If they would only run it like a business"! So my point is although business is really good right now don't overbuild and have that outstanding debt. If enrollment keeps at the current demand for a couple of years then yes, let's look at expansion. But just because they are over for a year and a half I don't think we should expand. Look at the numbers - the levy would be in effect for 15 years!

From: Board to vote Monday on Cherry expansion

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