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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

388 results total, viewing 376 - 388
I’ll never forget the day in eighth grade when I was digging around through a box of my Dad’s college papers in the basement and came across a family tree he’d done. There was a … more
“Small Is Beautiful.”That was the title of the influential 1973 economics and philosophy primer by E.F. Schumacher, but it also appears to be a good description of what it takes to be a … more
Brené Brown, Ph.D., MSW, research professor at the University of Houston, is well-known for her many books and podcasts on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. While conducting training … more
The Timberjay’s ongoing investigation into the tasing of an Ash River business owner by rangers in Voyageurs National Park has raised troubling questions about the actions of park law … more
On the morning of Friday, Feb. 3, after a cozy night under my comforters, the moment my feet touched the floor, I had a hunch this was going to be one of those really tough days. Despite ample … more
Last summer, the U.S. Supreme Court abolished a woman’s right to control her own reproduction. Soon, they may take away a woman’s right to avoid gunfire at the hands of an intimate … more
Like many Americans, I watched with dismay this month as the House of Representatives struggled through 15 votes over four days to select a new speaker. The sense of dysfunction was remarkable. … more
Our story last week on the latest research on the prevalence of chemicals known collectively as PFAS in freshwater fish should have brought a tear to the eye of every Minnesotan. Catching and eating … more
If Ronald Reagan was alive to read my column this week, he’d undoubtedly shake his head and smile and utter his famous debate phrase, “There you go again.”I have to admit that … more
For years, conventional wisdom in Tower had it that the city’s ambulance service was highly profitable. For years, at least on paper, it appeared that the service was regularly generating … more
Sometimes I just need a good rant about how we sometimes massacre our perfectly good language. January’s full moon was the Wolf Moon, so what better time to howl about it? To balance the … more
One out of five residents in St. Louis County are over the age of 65, which means virtually all of them qualify for one of the most important parts of the American safety net— Medicare. Prior … more
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